Enhancing Administrative Efficiency through Digital Innovation: A Quantitative Analysis of Perceived Usefulness, Ease of Use, User Satisfaction, and Process Effectiveness in SIASN’s PMK Services


  • Gerry Ananda Pasaribu Universitas Jakarta




Digital Innovation in Public Services, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, User Satisfaction, Process Effectiveness


This study examines how Perceived Usefulness (PU) and Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) impact User Satisfaction (US) and Process Effectiveness (PE) in the State Civil Apparatus Information System (SIASN) for Employment Tenure Review (PMK) services at Indonesia’s National Civil Service Agency (BKN). Utilizing a quantitative approach with SEM-PLS analysis, data from 56 BKN employees reveal that both PU and PEOU significantly enhance US, which positively mediates and strengthens the relationship with PE. Each variable’s contribution underscores SIASN’s role in improving administrative efficiency and user engagement. These findings highlight implications for public sector digitalization and user-centric design, demonstrating how effectively designed e-government services can elevate operational effectiveness and user satisfaction.


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