Juridical Analysis of Murabahah Contracts in Sharia Economic Disputes in Indonesia
Murabahah Contracts, Sharia Compliance, Islamic Banking Disputes, Supreme Court Decision, Pacta Sunt ServandaAbstract
This study examines juridical aspects of murabahah contracts within Indonesia's Islamic banking framework, focusing on dispute resolution and compliance with Sharia principles. The study uses doctrinal research to analyze Supreme Court rulings, contractual documents, and DSN-MUI fatwas as primary data sources. The findings highlight challenges in aligning practices with Sharia principles, such as transparency and fair profit margin disclosure. A notable case analyzed is the Supreme Court Decision No. 841/Pdt.G/2021/PA. Kra, which underscores violations in rescheduling debt contrary to Sharia law. This research emphasizes the importance of adherence to principles like pacta sunt servanda and good faith, offering recommendations to enhance regulatory frameworks and judicial consistency. The study contributes to ensuring equitable Sharia compliance and reducing disputes in Islamic finance.
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