Using Book Antiqua 14, Bold
The English abstract was limited to 120 words and contained just one paragraph. The goals of the study or your paper's addition to knowledge (novelty, if available) should be included in the abstract. Provide a brief description of your study technique, samples, and data observation dates, along with the variables or concepts you evaluated (if qualitative). Provide a brief summary of your findings and any implications at the end of the abstract.
Note: Please provide two abstracts, such as an Indonesian and an English version, if the manuscript is written in Indonesian.
Maximum five keywords and separated by a comma
Give the phenomenological and logical justification for your research. Additionally, you must include a concise description of how your paper advances knowledge. It could show up as interesting results (if accessible), theory enrichment, or a description of a niche sample (catching distinct samples). It is vitally important that this paper have a brief and direct introduction.
Font size and style: single-spaced, justified, using Book Antiqua 12.
A survey of academic materials on a particular subject is called a literature review. It gives you a summary of what is currently known, enabling you to spot pertinent hypotheses, approaches, and research gaps.
Give a concise and understandable summary of your study methodology, population and sample, and data analysis techniques.
Describe every action that was taken to complete the investigations. Don't overstate the results of descriptive statistics; instead, present them in a table or graph that is easier to understand. Remember to include the numbers for each table and chart in your paper.
This section enables you to provide an academic explanation of your findings. Numbers pertaining to your statistical tests should not be entered here; instead, they should be explained. You must support your talk with scholarly evidence from your research and provide a clear explanation relevant to the particular topic you are studying.
Provide some conclusions and the implementation of the research results.
Every research is subject to limitations; thus, you can explain them here and briefly provide suggestions to further investigations.
You have the chance to express your gratitude to your colleagues who offered suggestions for your papers in this part. By creating this document, you may also express your gratitude for the grants you are receiving.
Every supporting study is here and follows the APA 7th referencing guide. We strongly advise you to use referencing tools like Mendeley. Write your references as follows:
Lusardi, A., Mitchell, O. S., & Curto, V. (2010). Financial literacy among the young: Evidence and implications. National Bureau of Economic Research, 358–380. Retrieved from