
PLAGIARISM can take two forms: 1) authors purposefully replicate another person's work and pass it off as their own, or 2) authors replicate their own previously published work, either in whole or in part, without properly citing their sources. This is also known as "self-plagiarism" or "duplicate publication."

Plagiarism before publication

Any plagiarism complaint will be evaluated on its own merits by International Journal of Sustainability in Research (IJSR) We will notify the author(s) and request that they either rewrite the text or quote the text exactly while citing the original source if plagiarism is found by editors, peer reviewers, or editorial staff at any point prior to a manuscript's publication, including before or after acceptance, during editing, or during the page proof stage. The paper may be rejected and the author's employer or university alerted if there is significant plagiarism, defined as at least 20% of the original submission being plagiarized.

When is plagiarism check done?

Before being sent to an editor for editorial review, every paper submitted for publication to any journal published by International Journal of Sustainability in Research (IJSR) is examined for plagiarism.

How is plagiarism check done?

PlagScan software and Turnitin are used by the International Journal of Sustainability in Research (IJSR) to identify instances of similar and overlapping text in articles that are submitted. PlagScan is an online service that checks documents for authenticity and is completely browser-based.


The manuscript may not be freely available to article indexing services because of limitations imposed by publishers, journals, or programmers, or it may be available on the journal website but not yet indexed by these services. In certain situations, a plagiarism check will not identify plagiarism since the content of the checked text cannot be matched to the original manuscript because of constraints.

Plagiarism Declaration

The plagiarism-free statement must be filled out by each author in the International Journal of Sustainability in Research (IJSR) and uploaded further files to the open journal system to be sent with the paper.

Please download the plagiarism declaration and send it to via email or OJS with the manuscript.